Dear Editor,
The streets of downtown San Pedro are unsafe for pedestrians. I have been a San Pedro property owner since 1995, and have recently seen high increases in golf carts, cars, and motorbikes, using the main streets.
I ride my bicycle through town almost every day when I am on the island. I am witness daily, to many pedestrians (tourists) upset and in fear of crossing your downtown streets.
I don’t know if there is a final remedy to the problem, but I have a suggestion. Require all motorized vehicles using Front Street, to have a special (costly) permit. Delivery vehicles, taxicabs, and those with children being dropped off/picked up from the elementary school, could be excluded. Back street is wide, and can accommodate parking (the soccer field), and a larger traffic flow. Front Street should be used primarily for pedestrians enjoying our downtown.
Please think about the future of San Pedro. Everyone wants safe streets, and a healthy tourist trade.
Blair Exall

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