Mario and I were having morning coffee on the deck of the Holiday Hotel when Neville came wandering over from Celi’s Deli.
“Neville, pull up a chair and join us,” Mario said. “Tell us about married life. How is the new bride doing?”
“My Lupe is doing great. She been so good to me this week gone. I’m a happy man.”
“Good for you,” I told him.
Mario said, “When me and Consuela got married, we fought for three months before we got everything sorted out.”
“All young married couples are bound to disagree on things at first,” I said.
“Me and Lupe was like cats and dogs at first,” Neville said. “but last week we argued about her Ma coming to live with us. We quit arguing and it’s been all good since then.”
“There’s Lupe walking up the beach just now,” Mario said.
Neville called, “Lupe! Mi amor!”
I know just enough about women to know when one is angry. When she walked up to our table Lupe had the look of an angry woman.
“So, now you want me to speak to you,” she said to Neville.
“What you talking about?” he asked.
“I’m talking about speaking to you,” she said.
“What you mean?” Neville asked. “I’m all mixed up.”
Lupe said, “Since that big argument last week it’s been six days since I said one word to you. Don’t tell me you didn’t notice that.”
Neville said, “Honest to God, Lupe—I just thought we was finally getting along.”

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