To the Editor of the San Pedro Sun
We had vacationed on the island some 6 years ago and are online readers of the San Pedro Sun. We came just back from our 2nd visit. Back then San Pedro town looked charming and had appeal with quite a unique Central American character. We visited town every day and loved the atmosphere of San Pedro. That was back then.
Since, things have changed, unfortunately.
San Pedro town has turned into a huge and unsightly parking lot. New buildings have the looks of ugly 2 or 3 story gas stations and it seems that every business –old and new– is completely relying on street parking. These unsightly structures are all destroying San Pedro’s past character and charm. The atmosphere and character San Pedro once had, seems all but gone. Central Plaza was once a charming center piece for San Pedro with gorgeous ocean views onto turquoise waters. Nowadays Central Plaza looks poor at best, like a camp for homeless people and filled with annoying hustlers, from time shares, jewelry to drugs.
It’s time to think about your reputation for the future and to do what’s needed to have quality tourists coming back. It’s time to act responsible and with a vision for the future. Everywhere in the world towns and cities have Architectural Boards which require regional charm, local style with charming looks for new buildings. Not in San Pedro. That has become very obvious.
“Tourism without charm and style means tourism of the cheapest and for the cheapest”. I am sure San Pedro and the island do not want to end up there.
Aaron & Holly
Washington State, USA