It has been well over a year and dredging for sand continues to take place in southern Ambergris Caye under the approval and watch of The San Pedro Town Council (SPTC). Mayor Guerrero has gone on record in the past saying that the sand is not for business purposes, but for the benefit of the community. According to Guerrero, one of the main projects in which the sand was to be used was the beach reclamation project that failed to be completed in 2017, but it is expected to take place shortly after the March 7th Municipal Elections. Mayor Guerrero also offered little details on other initiatives and unfinished projects on the island, such as the promised dredging on the lagoon side for a better access to the International Water Taxi Terminal.
The current dredging is taking place near the Hol Chan Marine Reserve and sand is being pumped into an open area where it is collected. After it is collected in piles, it is trucked to different areas on the island, where according to Guerrero it has been used to fill school’s yards, parks and some of it has also been used for the new cemetery. “We also need the sand for the beach reclamation that we are working on,” Guerrero said. “We have slowly started the beach reclamation project, as you may see we have already renovate the front portion of the Central Park.” Guerrero claims that over ten truckloads of sand were spread in that area enhancing the beach by the park.
Guerrero stated that right after municipal elections his administration will continue with the project. One of his councillors, Severo Guerrero has pledged that if re-elected as the councillor in charge of the island’s infrastructure the reclamation of public beaches will be on the top of his list of his new duties. The proposal according to him, is to reclaim the beach area from downtown San Pedro to the Boca del Rio Park for the free enjoyment of locals and visitors alike.
Guerrero was further questioned on the current status of the Ambergris Caye Traffic Control Committee (ACTCC), which was formed in January of 2017, but declined to comment. The Mayor is a member of this Committee tasked with the duty of monitoring the importation of vehicles to the island. However, there have been reports that additional golf carts have made it to the island in the past months. Guerrero has stated that many changes are coming for the betterment of the island after the upcoming Municipal Elections. He maintains that he will not deny private golf carts to any resident that may need one. He believes that everyone has the right to get a golf cart if he or she qualifies and has the finance to support it.
Another project that Guerrero expects to complete after the Municipal Elections is the dredging on the lagoon side by the Sunset Boardwalk where the international water taxi terminal currently sits and continues to be only partially used since its completion in 2014. The main issue is the shallow areas around the terminal that makes it difficult for boats with inboard engines to access the facility. Initially dredging was to happen in 2015, then in 2016, but nothing ever took place. The Belize Port Authority was to execute the project but were waiting for Central Government to provide the financing. Then in January of 2017, Guerrero said that the dredging was to take place that year. He told The San Pedro Sun at that time, that his administration was going to take responsibility for the project’s funding and that the Town Board was going to do the dredging. The dredging was to start by the end of January and be completed by March of 2017, but the project was not completed. At the beginning, Guerrero said that the company in charge of the dredging had issues with their equipment. But besides that, no other explanations has been provided as to why this project is delayed.
Despite all these setbacks, the SPTC is optimistic to get these projects and others done during the period of 2018-2021 if re-elected again. Guerrero encourages everyone to work along with the Town Board as they thrive for the betterment of the island and improving its infrastructure as well.

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