For 11 years, Dr. Alex Willis has been a volunteer at the Smile Dental Clinic at Holy Cross Anglican School, and from Monday, February 1st to Thursday, February 4th he was back at it again. This time Dr. Willis brought a friend, Dr. Steve Sudderth, and both provided free dental care to close to a hundred students at Holy Cross. Assisting the doctors in their four days of service were their wives, Dental Assistants Vickie Sudderth and Nancy Willis.
Once again everyone is invited to take advantage of this free service, available on the following dates and locations for the dental program:
February 17th – 24th at the Holy Cross Anglican School Smile Dental Clinic: Service provided by Dr. Dan Larscheid
February 29th – March 3rd at the Holy Cross Anglican School Smile Dental Clinic and the Dr. Otto Rodriguez San Pedro Polyclinic II: Service provided by Brigette Copper, Dr. Richard Kim, Dr. Larry Eichmeyer, Dr. Jim Kalina and hygiene student from the Mankato State University
March 14th – 15th at the Holy Cross Anglican School Smile Dental Clinic: Service provided by Susan Kloosterboer, Dr. Adina Ness, Heidi Peterson and students Madison College School of Health Education
March 16th – 17th at the Holy Cross Anglican School Smile Dental Clinic: Service provided by Susan Kloosterboer, Dr. Adina Ness, Heidi Peterson and students Madison College School of Health Education
March 16th – 17th at the Holy Cross Anglican School Smile Dental Clinic: Service provided by Dr. Staci Blaha and Dr. Joanne Brown
March 4th – 6th at the Holy Cross Anglican School Smile Dental Clinic: Service provided by Dr. Hal Soloman

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