In an effort to gather important health related information in San Pedro, a team of medical students from California, USA have coordinated with Dr. Javier Zuniga, Regional Manager of the Central Health Region and the San Pedro Town Council (SPTC) to conduct health screenings through a “Community Needs Assessment”. The Community Needs Assessment is also being done in partnership with the San Pedro Red Cross and the Dr. Otto Rodriguez San Pedro Polyclinic II, who support this initiative to improve population health. From Saturday, November 19th and over the span of the next five weeks, NanoMed Corp—the students’ healthcare—will be offering free health screenings at the polyclinic.
Health research is a long term investment in human health and well-being. The assessment will include a health questionnaire and a basic physical checkup. After being evaluated, and if anything is abnormal, NanoMed Corp will be able to refer the patients to the polyclinic. The benefits to the community are great, and it makes good sense to support a health screening initiative to empower the residents of the island.
Asim Khan of NanoCorp further explained the benefits. “In doing these screenings, we will be able to support and enable the MOH to efficiently and effectively budget for scarce resources. It will also help to implement preventative measures that will decrease the prevalence of chronic diseases that face the nation at an acute level. In addition, we will be increasing the community’s trust and confidence in local and national government efforts to support their health and wellbeing,” said Khan.
According to Dr. Zuniga, the chronic diseases prevalent in Belize are: Ischemic Heart Disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Obesity, AIDS/HIV and Cirrhosis of the Liver. Since NanoCorp focuses on telemedicine, medical technology, and general family practice and they are dedicated to assist Dr. Zuniga in the study of these illnesses. “Aside from my wife being Belizean, we are medical students that care about the communities. We live among and are grateful for the experiences we’ve had living in Belize for the past year working with Dr. Zuniga to study the prevalence of chronic illnesses,” said Khan.
NanoMed Corp explained the importance of academic research, and some of the benefits that come with performing these screenings. “The public at large benefits from academic research because health and medical education adds to the quality of life and medical care across the island. It also ensures the public makes positive health and wellness choices. Improving the health and well-being of individuals makes sense because it reduces the need for health care, the associated costs of dependence, lost earnings and human suffering. It also helps promote and sustain health lifestyles and positive choices, supporting and nurturing human development, relationships and personal, family and community well-being,” said Khan.
Depending on the turnout, NanoCorp through partnership with the Red Cross and the polyclinic, is interested in conducting these health screenings on a long term basis. Dr. Otto Rodriguez San Pedro Polyclinic II is located at Manta Ray Street and can be contacted at 226-2536.

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