The traditional ‘Dia de San Pedro,’ festivities were officially declared by Mayor Daniel Guerrero during an opening ceremony on Thursday, June 28th, at the Honourable Louis Sylvestre sporting complex.
The event was attended by both island residents and a delegation from the Mexican State of Quintana Roo, who are joining the festivities this year at the invitation of The San Pedro Town Council. The annual festival is held in honour of St. Peter (San Pedro) the Patron Saint of fishermen on the island.
The official ceremonies included speeches, live entertainment and a spectacular display of fireworks.
On Friday, June 29th, a traditional fishermen’s mass and breakfast took place starting at 4AM at the San Pedro Roman Catholic Church.
Immediately after, a boat procession left from the municipal pier at 6AM, ending on the lagoon side of the island.
At the end of the procession, all boats and fishermen were blessed by Father Scott Giuliani.
Activities continue today at 8PM with the Dia de San Pedro Fair at the Honourable Louis Sylvestre sporting complex. There will be live entertainment and cultural presentations from Belize and Mexico, and the United States of America.
The festival will culminate tomorrow Saturday, June 30th, at the same venue, with more live performances. Mexican comedian Macta will be performing on stage, while the Belizean rock band Ascenthium will provide the musical part of the closing event. The show starts at 8PM, and there will be lots to drink and eat on sale.
Feliz Dia de San Pedro!