Arts & Culture
Isla Bonita Elementary School celebrates Cultural Day 2019
Throughout the day, students had the opportunity to showcase their knowledge on the country’s various ethnic groups to visitors.
Arts & Culture
San Pedro House of Culture observes Dia de Los Finados
El Dia de Los Finados is a tradition that honors the dead, with an emphasis on maintaining ties with deceased ancestors believed to continue to exist in a different plane.
Arts & Culture
San Pedro R.C School hosts Cultural Day
Throughout the day students represented various cultural groups found in the country, including the Mestizo, East Indian, Maya, Creole, Mennonite, Garinagu, and Lebanese among others.
Fun at SPHS Cultural Day
The San Pedro High School (SPHS) once again brought to life the many cultures that exist in Belize at their annual cultural day. The...
Arts & Culture
Amazing show of culture at Holy Cross Anglican Primary School
The students of Holy Cross Anglican Primary School celebrated Belizean culture on Friday, November 21st with their annual Culture Day Fair. Students had the...
Arts & Culture
Holy Cross Anglican Primary School celebrates Belize’s Culture
Holy Cross Anglican Primary School celebrated Culture Day on Friday November 15th. The event is an annual activity in which students get to showcase...
Arts & Culture
Dia de San Pedro Celebration
The Dia de San Pedro activities ended on Sunday June 30th, with a beach family day at the Central Park beach. The 10 days...
Arts & Culture
“Dias de Los Finados” celebrated in San Pedro Town
Los Finados is a cultural celebration that honors loved ones who have passed with a feast, offerings and prayer and service.