Monthly Archives: March, 2013
Wolfe’s Woofers
Wolfe’s Woofers: Little Pills
Now, why would a little 86-year-old need 10 Viagra pills cut up into 6 pieces each?
SPTC assesses and determines garbage tax for businesses
The SPTC recently concluded a complete assessment of properties and businesses on the island to better ascertain and evaluate taxes and other fees.
Hol Chan hosts Commercial Species Management Workshop
Hol Chan workshop was held with fishermen at the Fido’s Court Yard to present fishers with the concept of being organized as a group and working with Hol Chan and the Belize Fisheries Department.
Volunteer pediatricians tend to island children at the San Pedro PolyClinic II
With the help of Dr. Cecilio Eck and guided by Kate Restaina, volunteer pediatricians tended to many children in Belize, including San Pedro Town.
Ghost net removed from off the reef at Hol Chan Marine Reserve
A ghost net was discovered at Hol Chan Marine Reserve, and sadly, a dead 4ft reef shark was found tangled in the net as well.
San Pedro Town traffic signs get revamped
The San Pedro Traffic Department has placed prominent traffic signs and banners throughout the town just in time for Easter 2013.
Politics and Government
Employee Assistance Policy survey conducted for public servants in Belize
The Ministry of the Public Service and Elections and Boundaries, in an attempt to improve the performance standards and services delivery by public servants...
Wildtracks receives grant from PACT
Wildtracks is a non-profit organization that aims to conserve Belize’s endangered species and educate people about the importance of sustaining these species. Their mission,...