Sunday, September 8, 2024

Environmental Clearance for Butane Depots


The Belize Department of the Environment – DOE (DOE) takes this opportunity to inform investors and the general public that butane depots and mini plants, also known as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) depots and mini plants, are required to have Environmental Clearance to operate in Belize.
Regulation 3 (2) of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 1995 states:
“Any persons, agencies, institutions (whether public or private), unless exempted pursuant to these Regulations, shall, before embarking on a propose project or activity, apply to the Department for a determination whether such project or activity would require an environmental impact assessment”
Butane mini plants and depot operators shall, notwithstanding any other legal obligation, not proceed with the construction and operation of such facility until and unless the operator has obtained Environmental Clearance from the DOE.
These regulations are in place to ensure the safety of the public and the environment. The DOE continues to work with the National Fire Service and Belize Police Department to ensure the safe operation of these depots and mini plants.
For further information, please contact the Chief Environmental Officer, Martin Alegria at 822-2548 or 822-2819.

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