As the 2019 Miss Garifuna San Pedro pageant approaches, the four lovely contestants vying for the title were officially sashed during a dinner ceremony at Casa Picasso on Wednesday, October 24th. This year’s contestants include: 15-year-old Diamond Virez sponsored by Victoria House, 14-year-old Malica Avila sponsored by Caribena Enterprises, 16-year-old Dana Reyes, sponsored by Casa Picasso and 13-year-old Keneisha Avila sponsored by Xanadu Island Resort.
At 8PM, the contestants and organizers of the pageant were treated to a delicious dinner sponsored by Casa Picasso restaurant. During the dinner, the girls got to share and receive feedback from their trainers. Thereafter, the contestants graced everyone present at the restaurant with a Garifuna dance performance. This was followed by girls officially receiving their sponsor’s sash.
The National Garifuna Council San Pedro Branch (NGCSPB) President Eden Velasquez told The San Pedro Sun that the girls have been dedicating themselves for the pageant. “Over the past weeks, we have been practicing for about three hours daily in the evenings. I have seen growth in each one of them, some in a in their dances, speaking the Garifuna language more fluently, better stage presence, among other things that are needed to win the pageant. The girls have been dedicating themselves towards this and are really excited for pageant day,” said Velasquez.
2016 was the last time a Miss Garifuna San Pedro pageant was held on the island, so the committee is pleased to bring it back this year and hope for the full support from all islanders. NGCSPB has prepared its calendar of activities for the November celebrations leading up to Garifuna Settlement Day, celebrated annually on November 19th.
The 2019 Miss Garifuna San Pedro pageant is scheduled to be held at the Lions Den in San Pedro on Saturday, October 26th at 8PM. ALL islanders are invited to come out and enjoy a cultural Garifuna night. Persons interested in participating in any of the activities or wanting to become a sponsor can contact Velasquez at 614-7769 or email her at [email protected] . You can also reach her at the San Pedro Town Public Library, located on Barrier Reef Drive.

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