San Pedro High School’s (SPHS) Drug Awareness week came to a close on Friday, April 22nd with a visit to San Pedro Roman Catholic School (SPRCS). Drug abuse is a major issue for youth in the community, and as such, drug awareness week serves to highlight the effect of the said abuse. Drug awareness week was organized by guidance counselor of SPHS, Alexis Guerrero, along with Principal Emil Vasquez, to raise an alarm on the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol, with the hope of preventing the student body from falling victim to substance abuse.
A group of 13 peer helpers gathered to give an important presentation on drug awareness to the SPRCS students. Since the ages of these students ranged from 11-14, it was the perfect opportunity for SPHS to instill the prevention of drug use in minors before they enter high school.
As Kristina Romero of the National Drug Abuse Control Council (NDACC) addressed in her lectures, the misuse of drugs and its effect on students are common within high school students. According to the studies from the National Institute of Drug Abuse, “almost 70% of students will have tried alcohol, half will have taken an illegal drug, nearly 40% will have smoked a cigarette, and more than 20 percent will have used a prescription drug for a nonmedical purpose during their time in secondary school.”
Another leading conflict youth face today is peer pressure and evidence shows that it plays a significant role in determining who smokes and who does not. During the presentation, the group of peer helpers gave their perspectives as teenagers on the many temptations that are readily available in the world. They emphasized the importance of education, and how drug education can positively influence children to develop good habits.
The SPHS encourages the San Pedro community to assist the younger generation in making this island as drug-free as possible. Drug abuse can lead to serious personal and physical problems, and even death.
For more information about the program or for drug prevention education please contact NDACC at [email protected] or call 227-0528/660-0029.

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