Ambergris Caye’s talented semi-professional pool players have been taking their game seriously, getting actively involved in the pre-season 8-Ball pool tournament on the island. The event is being held at different venues every weekend in an attempt to boost local businesses while promoting the sport.
Last weekend, the tournament was held at Average Joe’s Bar, where a total of 10 teams participated. Games began at 7PM sharp from Friday, March 4th to Sunday, March 6th , and saw pool enthusiasts coming out to support their favourite teams.
The winners are listed below, alongside their scores:
Hitman Recruits 35
Team Amigos 31
Solids 30
AJ’s Snipers 26
Captain Iguanas 26
Dark n Tan 21
1 Barrel High Rollers 21
The Rookies 16
Maldonado’s 15
Underground 11
With games taking place at 1 Barrel Bar, on the lagoon side in San Juan, the action continues this weekend. See you all there!
Organizers of the event would like to thank their sponsors for making the tournament possible. Special thanks goes out to Ocean Ferry (main sponsor), LC Distributors, Rapidito Loans, Wings, Castillo’s Hardware, Time Out Golf Cart Rental, Island Adventures Golf Cart Rental, Boaz Golf Cart Rental, Xtreme Geeks Limited, Caye Supplies, Harmouch Center, SP Hardware, One Love Groceries, San Pedro Town Council, Caye-Mart Supermarket, Train Station, Bowen and Bowen Ltd, and Coral Cable Vision.

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