Thursday, January 16, 2025

Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association

Sugar crop season in limbo; no agreement reached between BSI/ASR and cane farmers association

The current standstill outside Orange Walk Town by the sugar factory continues with a possibility to come to an end on Monday, January 3, 2022. The main area of contention between the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association (BSCFA) and the Belize Sugar Industry (BSI)/American Sugar Refinery (ASR) is an interim agreement regarding the handling/ milling of the sugarcane expected to last throughout the crop in August of 2022, instead of only up to the end of April. Farmers fear that if the commercial agreement ends in April, it could jeopardize the sugar season of the upcoming year. 

GOB and BCCI Convene Private Sector Focus Group Kick-off Meeting

As part of the Green Climate Fund (GCF)-funded Readiness Support for Strengthening Belize Private Sector Access to Climate Finance Project, a kick-off meeting was convened on November 16, 2021 to launch a collaborative process with a Private Sector Focus Group of key Belizean private sector partners. These partners belong to a broad range of organisations, from large corporations with in-depth sectoral expertise, financial institutions and regulators, national institutions promoting private sector engagement and inclusion, and trade associations.

Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association disapprove of the Cane Farmer Register

The Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association strongly denounce the blatant irregularities committed in the process of determining and approving the Cane Farmer Register for the 2020/2021 sugar cane crop. An analysis of the production estimates assigned to the registered cane farmers in this Register show a gross injustice to the majority of cane farmers, who have been trying at all costs to restore their production levels that were affected by the drought and floods.

The Santander Group exports first sugar shipment

On Friday, July 29th, The Santander Group exported its inaugural shipment of product to Europe.

Sugar Industry Bill Signed by the Governor General

Belmopan, 21 January, 2015. The Sugar Industry (Amendment) Bill which was passed by the House of Representatives on the 19th January 2015 and by...

Sugar Cane Season set to start after long standoff between cañeros and BSI/ASR

The 2015 Sugar Cane Season is finally set to start after the two parties in the industry - the cañeros and Belize Sugar Industry/American...

Cane Farmers refuse to submit to BSI/ASR’s agreement

Over 1,516 cane farmers attended a special general meeting held on Sunday, January 4th at the Escuela Secundaria Technica Mexico campus located in San...

Government of Belize Supports Agreement Between BSCFA and ASR/BSI

Belmopan. Since helping to forge, on December 8th, the historic agreement between the BSCFA and ASR/BSI, Government has been actively trying to assist in...