Friday, July 26, 2024


Town Council urges property owners to keep their land clean, adding that burning garbage is illegal

Owners on the island who have neglected their property, leaving it untidy and overgrown with vegetation, were given notice by the San Pedro Town Council (SPTC) and the Sanitation Department.  The SPTC reminds islanders that their property must be clean and that burning garbage within town limits is a serious offense.

Illegal garbage dumping in northern Ambergris Caye reported

Concerned residents have reported what they describe as an eyesore and environmentally harmful piles of rubbish, including electrical appliances, dumped with the apparent purpose of filling a piece of land north of San Pedro. According to regulations, organic landfill may be used, but electrical items and appliances are considered hazardous to the environment and should be disposed of properly.

Community clean-up rids Ambergris Caye’s northern beaches from tons of garbage

A massive beach clean-up took place on Sunday, January 31st, on the northern beaches of Ambergris Caye. Some nine miles north of San Pedro...

Letter to the Editor: Garbage is killing our Crocodiles

Woke up yesterday morning to see this beautiful creature with this on her back. People pick up your garbage! Remember when San Pedro was a simple fishing village and people took pride in their surroundings.

Letter to the Editor: The garbage is keeping tourists away

"Not only will I never go there now or my friends, but the word is spreading fast about the filth. One thing worse than the tourism being hurt is the environment."

Letter to the Editor: A heart breaking and heart warming clean-up

The clean-up of the San Pedrito road was heart breaking and heart warming. It was an emotional experience.

Letter to the Editor: A call to action for EVERYONE

"There is NO job here on the island that does not depend on tourists continuing to come to the island, and yet no one seems to care that the first thing the tourists see as they approach the island by air is trash upon trash along the tarmac dumped on the San Pedrito Highway – not the greatest first impression after the beauty of the ocean that they’ve been photographing on the way over. "

Authorities still have no solution to increasing garbage problems

The issue with the improper disposal of garbage in San Pedro Town remains an ongoing problem, with no clear solution in sight. Concerned residents...