Friday, July 26, 2024

Honorable Patrick Faber

Police issue warrant for UDP Leader Hon. Patrick Faber for domestic violence accusation

Police have issued an arrest warrant for the Leader of the Opposition and the UDP Honourable Patrick Faber in response to a domestic violence complaint. His fiancée, Dr. Shanikka Arnold, made a report to police on Wednesday, January 19th alleging that he caused damage to her laptop and assaulted her.

UDP Party Leader visits San Pedro and calls for BTL’s Chairman resignation

The Honourable Patrick Faber, Leader of the United Democratic Party, visited San Pedro Town on Thursday, August 26th, to meet with his party supporters. Faber also weighed on national issues like the national telephone company Belize Telemedia Limited (BTL) losing a multi-million contract to Speednet/Smart. Faber said BTL's Chairman Mark Lizarraga did not do enough to prevent this and is calling on him to resign from his post.

Ministry of Education Moves to Expand Inquiry Based Pedagogy and STEAM

The Government of Belize has secured assistance through the Inter-American Development Bank to execute Education Quality Improvement Program (EQIP) II. The program comes at a cost of US$10,000,000.

BNTU rallies, sends strike warning to Ministry of Education

Those rallying are demanding the MOE provide hardship allowance for schools in remote communities and agree to Proposal 22, which speaks of the Ministry paying 100 % benefits to teachers and support staff of grant-aided secondary schools.

Belize suspends Petrocaribe program

After over four years, the Government of Belize has suspended the Venezuelan Petrocaribe program.

Minister of Education announces new schools for Belize

The Ministry of Education (MOE) announced on Wednesday, May 10th that 35 new schools are expected to be built around the country.

Faber promises compensation to teachers who did not strike

Honorable Patrick Faber made an announcement on Monday, April 3rd stating that the Ministry of Education (MOE) had $1 million dollars to distribute to teachers who did not participate in the Belize National Teachers Union’s (BNTU) 11-day strike in October 2016.

Island students sit first part of PSE exam

Over six thousand Standard Six students’ country-wide sat the first segment of the National Primary School Examination (PSE) on Monday, April 3rd.