Dear Editor,
This was my first vacation in San Pedro and I stayed very close to town so I would have just a short walk.
San Pedro was advertised as an idyllic, old style, relaxed and calm town, tourist friendly and with excellent swimming and snorkeling conditions.
This might have been so back, some years ago.
In reality swimming and snorkeling in front of the hotel –as one could expect– was impossible and unsafe due to intensive commercial boat traffic.
Life in town was hectic and unattractive for tourists due to exorbitant, heavy and noisy traffic.
San Pedro was my first tropical vacation spot where commercial interests seem to be valued above tourists’ wellbeing.
I will not be the first, neither the last person who will express his/her displeasure on social media, TripAdvisor etc.
Urgent changes will be needed for a prosperous future back to a tourist friendly San Pedro.
Thanks for your attention.
Janelle Humphrey

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