“Hi, Grandpa,” Davin said, after knocking on the door and coming in.
“Hey, boy,” I said. “Where is your mom?”
“She’s outside in the golf cart. She wants to talk to you.”
I went outside to Melody’s golf cart and said, “Hi, Sweetie. What’s up?”
“I need a big favor,” she said. “My golf cart’s batteries are low on charge and Davin is late for school. Will you give us a ride to the school while my cart charges up?”
At the school Melody sent Davin into class and said, “Let’s sit here on the porch and listen for a few minutes. It can be pretty interesting.”
“Davin, why are you late?” we heard the teacher ask.
“Class started before I got here.”
“What?” the teacher asked. “Never mind. We have already started with grammar and spelling. Davin, how do you spell crocodile?”
“Uh. . . K-R-O-K-A-D-I-A-L.”
“That’s not even close,” the teacher said. “That is wrong.”
“It may be wrong,” Davin told her, “but you asked me how I spell it. That’s how I spell it.”
“I’m going to give you one more chance,” the teacher said. “Make up a sentence starting with I.”
After some thought Davin said, “I is…”
“No, Davin,” the teacher said. “Always say, ‘I am.’ Now, try again and say it right this time.”
“O.K.” Davin said. “I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.”

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