“How would you like to try something really different today?” Mike asked me.
I had spent three days in Houston, Texas getting checkups at the U.S. Veterans Administration Hospital. Now I was spending some time with my friend Mike, in Brownsville, before returning to Belize.
“I’m game for about anything,” I told him. “What did you have in mind?”
“I have a friend who is the captain of a U.S. Coast Guard cutter,” Mike said. “They patrol the U.S./Mexican border down by the Rio Grande. He let’s me ride with them sometimes.”
“Isn’t that illegal??”
“Probably,” Mike said. “Anyway he asked me if I wanted to ride with them today. I told him I had company and he said to bring you along if you want to go.”
We were enjoying the sunshine and the sea, when we came across a tiny rowboat. It had four Mexicans in it who were rowing North as fast as they could.
The boat captain got out his bullhorn to talk to them.
“Ahoy, the rowboat,” he shouted. “State your business and where you are going.”
One of the Mexicans put his paddle down and stood up in the boat.
“Gringos, we are invading the United States of America to reclaim the territory stolen from our country one hundred and fifty years ago.”
He resumed his seat in the rowboat and picked up his paddle.
Everyone on the Coast Guard cutter started laughing.
The captain finally quit laughing long enough to ask, “Just the four of you? Four Mexicans are going to invade the U.S.?”
The Mexican stood up and yelled, “No; we’re the last four. The other twelve million are already there.”

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