“Dennis, Melody’s baby will be here shortly. We need to get her another gift,” Sherry said.
“Wait a minute,” I said. “I thought that last week we gave her a bassinet that we bought on Amazon.”
“We did. But that’s a gift for the baby. We need to get something for Melody.”
“If you say so,” I said. “What should we get her?”
“Didn’t she say she likes latte?”
“Yes. We’ll buy her one of those machines where she can make latte at home.”
“This one is really fancy,” the salesman at Brodie’s said. “It has everything on it.”
“Sure. Look at this,” he said. “You plug it in and put your coffee in here. The water goes into this part. See?”
“Yeah. Then what?”
“This little clock is actually a timer, too. Set the clock, go to bed and when you wake up the latte is ready. Just add milk.”
“I’ll take it.”
That evening I carefully explained to Melody how it works.
“Coffee goes in here and water in this part,” I said. “You got that?”
“Then you plug it in and set the little clock. Go to bed and when you wake up the coffee is ready.”
Yesterday Melody and Davin stopped by and paid us a visit.
“How do you like the latte machine?” Sherry asked.
“Oh, it’s great,” Melody said. “There’s one thing about it that I don’t understand, though.”
“What’s that?” I asked.
“Why do I have to go to bed every time I want to make a latte?”

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