After Standard Six students sat through two days of intense Primary School Examinations (PSE), the Ministry of Education (MOE) released results on Thursday, June 8th. This year, a total of 7,271 Standard Six students sat the PSE countrywide on March 18th and May 4th, testing their knowledge in the four major subjects of Mathematics, English, Science, and Social Studies. Topping the country with 384 out of 400 total points was Hummingbird Elementary Haley Thurton from Belize District.
With 12 out of the top 25 scorers, the Belize District outperformed the remaining five districts. Among the top performers was islander Bryan Joan Roca, a student at San Pedro Roman Catholic School (SPRCS), who scored 368 total points out of 400, landing him in the #14 spot countrywide. Orange Walk had five top performers, Toledo and Cayo each had three and Corozal had two.
In San Pedro Town, students are reported to have done exceptionally well. The top three students in the island were; SPRCS Bryan Roca in first place with 368/400 points (92%), followed by Gabriella Knox from The Island Academy (TIA) with 361/400 points (90.25%), and SPRCS’ Matthew Bradley placed third with 358/400 points (89.5%).
Isla Bonita Elementary School’s Yamino Flores placed first with 300/400 points (75%), followed by Reina Flores with 288/400 points (72%) and Damaris Peralta with 284/400 points (71%).
For The Island Academy Gabrielle Knox placed first, Mckenzie Turley took second place with 355/400 points (88.75%) and Noah Beaumont placed third with 350/400 points (87.5%).
At Ambergris Caye Elementary School, Daniel Trejo took first place with 292/400 points (73%), Cesar Ramirez placed second, with 289/400 total points (73%). Jordy Gonzalez place third with 286/400 points (71.5%).

New Horizon Seventh Day Adventist School saw Jason Rosales place first with a score of 334/400 points (83.5%), followed by Debora Silva with 328/400 points (82%) and Alejandro Ack in third with 317/400 points (79.25%).
At Holy Cross Anglican School, first place went to Yovanny Campos who scored 317/400 points (79.25%). Kaidran West took second place with 315/400 points (78.9%) and Luis Monterros placed third with 305/400 points (76.25%).
SPRCS Bryan Roca placed first with 368/400 points (92%), while Matthew Bradley took second place with 358/400 points (89.5%), Bradley also scored third highest in San Pedro Town. Shaneen Palma placed third at SPRCS with 351/400 points (87.75%).
The MOE reiterates that the results of the examination are not intended to be used as the sole criteria to enter secondary schools. However, the PSE serves two main purposes: 1) the certification of students at the completion of primary schooling in four content areas of the primary curriculum; and 2) educational decision-making to inform policy, planning, and practice at national, district, school and classroom levels.
In English, less than half of the students (42%) sitting this year’s test scored a ‘Satisfactory Level of Performance’ (grade C) or better. The mean score remains in the adequate range, but there is a decrease from 57.9 % from 2017, to 55.5% this year. The gap between the ‘Satisfactory Level of Performance’ and Adequate ranges continues to remain close.
In Mathematics, approximately 36% of the students scored a Satisfactory Level of Performance’ (grade C) or better, which indicates a 1% increase from 2017. Like last year, the majority (49%) of students’ scores were in the “E” range, which is 49 or below. For the past ten years, the national mean score in Math has remained constant, with spikes in 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2013. While the mean performance in 2017 is just above 50, it is still of great concern that most students are scoring in the grade E band, which represents inadequate performance.
In Social Studies, the scores showed a notable decrease in the number of students (16%) whose scores were in the A (Excellent) range. Last year, 31% of students’ scores were in that range. Likewise, the mean scored decreased from 68.1% in 2017 to 62.0 % this year.
This year’s scores for Science increased slightly. In 2017, 58% of the students scored in the satisfactory or above ranges, while this year’s performance increased to 60%, and the mode remains in the C-range. Half of the students scored above the 64 % and half below as indicated by the median score.
According to the MOE press release, 3,512 (49.6%) of the registered candidates were male and 3,568 (50.1%) were female. Of the 7,271 who were registered for the exam, 194 (or approximately 2.7%) were either fully absent, absent for part of the exam, had ‘Ungraded’ for the English Writing Paper or the Math Problem Solving Paper, had a ‘No Result’ for at least one part of the exam, or a had combination of Absent, ‘Ungraded’ or ‘No Result’ for different parts of the exam.
The National PSE Awards are due later in June 2018, to honor the top students across the country. The San Pedro Sun congratulates all the students for their efforts!