November 15, 2022, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) and the Belize Bureau of Standards (BBS) to incorporate quality standards for eight commodities, starting with honey.
The MOU sets forth the terms and conditions, the scope of work, and the responsibilities of the parties to work together in developing the quality standards and metrology for honey, which will serve as a pilot commodity for the other seven. Data will be collected to use as benchmarks on how the honey value chain, from production to consumers, can be standardized in Belize to ensure quality.
Dr. Osmond Martinez, CEO in the Ministry of Economic Development noted that in the implementation of this MOU, both the MED and the BBS agree to carry out the following activities:
• Conduct a standardization process for one of the eight commodities approved by the RRB Project;
• Conduct capacity-building/sensitization workshops for key stakeholders and farmers on standards;
• Apply the Calidena application process in data gathering and development of standards which will systematically and sustainably support the improvement of the national quality infrastructure in Belize; and
• Conduct a SWOT Analysis of the BBS
Resilient Rural Belize (RRB) is a six-year program implemented by the Government of Belize, with financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The program aims to minimize the impacts of climatic and economic events on smallholder farmers while supporting sustainable market access for their produce. The RRB has two main components:
1) Climate Resilient Value Chain Development – to introduce/strengthen smallholder participation in selected value chains through the promotion of climate-resilient production methods, product diversification, and related innovations; and
2) Climate Resilient Rural Infrastructure and Assets Development – to support climate-resilient productivity and improved market access through rehabilitation and provision of enhanced road access, drainage, and irrigation infrastructure in priority areas.
CEO Dr. Osmond Martinez and Mr. Jose Trejo, Director of BBS, signed the MOU on behalf of their respective organizations. The MOU was witnessed by Dr. Geraldo Flowers, Program Manager for Resilient Rural Belize, and Mr. Lloyd Orellano, Standards Officer.

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