Friday, July 26, 2024

Belize National Teachers Union

Holy Cross Primary School teachers walked out of classes

On Monday, October 31st, over a dozen Holy Cross Anglican Primary School teachers in the San Mateo Subdivision walked out of their classes because the school’s management owes them salaries and hardship allowances.

San Pedro High School to investigate teacher’s conduct

An incident involving a teacher at the San Pedro High School reportedly using inappropriate words during an online class has prompted the institution to issue a release addressing the matter, stating that they were aware of the situation and do not support such behavior from their teachers.

Island teachers hold candlelight vigil in continued protest

As unions across the country continue their strike opposing the 10% salary cut by the government, members of the Belize National Teachers Union (BNTU) in San Pedro Town held a candlelight vigil on Friday, May 7th. The event took place at the Angel Nuñez Auditorium. The vigil included a church service.

Teachers officially go on strike

Several island teachers joined the national strike action headed by the Belize National Teachers Union (BNTU) against the Government of Belize (GOB) on Monday, April 26th. BNTU members are disputing the GOB’s proposed 10% salary pay cut and an increment freeze for three years. They also demand good governance, the end of corruption, and the government to collect unpaid taxes from large companies.

Island teachers hold peaceful protest ahead of next week’s national strike

As the national budget debate begins on Thursday, April 22nd, a nationwide strike is set for Monday, April 26th, as announced by the Belize National Teachers Union (BNTU). The union denounces corruption, demanding good governance and rejecting the 10% salary cut and increment freeze proposed by the government. In San Pedro Town, teachers have shown their solidarity protesting on the streets. On Thursday, April 22nd, they again took to the streets to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the present administration.

Unions start week-long series of protests; main roads and highways blocked

The Belize National Teacher’s Union (BTNU), the Association of Public Service Senior Managers (PSU), and the Public Service Union have rejected the government’s proposed 10% salary cut. To further pressure the government, they have planned a week-long series of industrial actions expected to culminate with a massive nationwide strike. The first event took place on Monday, April 19th, as members of the unions blocked main highways leading to Belize City on the mainland.

In protests, island teachers reject pay cut and call on GOB to collect unpaid taxes from telephone companies

On Friday, April 16th, members of the Belize National Teachers Union (BNTU) across the country held peaceful protests against the proposed salary cuts set by the Government of Belize (GOB). Teachers also called on GOB to collect overdue taxes from large companies such as Belize Telemedia Limited (BTL) and Smart Belize.

Budget presentation postponed; unions recommend government cut allowances

Prime Minister Honourable John Briceño was to introduce the national budget on March 26th but was postponed after the government failed to agree with the unions regarding a proposed 10% pay cut and increment freeze on teacher and public officer's salaries. The unions comprise of the Public Service Union, Belize National Teachers Union (BNTU), and others, asked for the proposal to be put on hold to allow proper consultations and negotiations. The unions also provided the government with cost-saving and revenue enhancement recommendations for short, medium, and long-term results, discarding the need to reduce teacher's and public officers' salaries.