Thursday, February 13, 2025

Lobster Season

San Pedro Lobster Fest block party returns with a blast 

The first block party in honor of the lobster season since the COVID-19 pandemic was held on Saturday, July 9th,   at the Honourable Louis Sylvestre Sporting Complex. The annual festivity included the highly anticipated week-long Lobster Crawl that culminated with a fantastic party, complete with gaily-decorated restaurant booths offering savory bites of lobster dishes, and unique cocktails to wash them all down. A highlight of the evening was a food and drink competition.

Lobster season opens; fishers on Ambergris Caye report pirates raiding their traps

With their first lobster catch of the season, fishers made their way to their docking areas in San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, on Friday, July 1st. Although they harvested hundreds of Caribbean Spiny Lobsters, many complained that their fishing sites were raided by persons referred to as 'pirates.' They urged the respective authorities (Fisheries Department and Belize Coast Guard) to do more to deter such activities affecting their livelihood.

Lobster Season closes February 28th

Lovers of the Caribbean Spiny Lobster and fishermen are reminded that the season will end on February 28th. In the past, the lobster season used to end on February 15th and re-open every 14th of June. This year, the re-opening of the season is extended to June 30th.

Lobster season officially opens; island fishers busy at work

For all those lovers of the Caribbean Spiny Lobster, the 2021-2022 season officially opened on Thursday, July 1st. Fishermen in San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, set sail early in the morning and hours later returned with a bounty of tasty crustaceans that were sold and delivered to restaurants. The opening of the season also signals another anticipated event on the island - the annual lobster festival.

Eight fishermen charged for possession of out of season lobster and conch; one remanded while others met bail

The lobster season officially opened on June 15th, but a few days before this date, some fishermen were caught with out of season products (lobster and conch) within the Hol Chan Marine Reserve (HCMR). This was the result of increased enforcement efforts by HCMR between June 13th and 15th, leading to the successful prosecution of eight fishermen. They were charged and fined for possession of lobster during the closed season, possession of conch during the closed season, possession of undersized lobster, possession of lobster with spawn, possession of soft shell lobster, possession of lobster with berries removed, fishing within a conservation zone, engaging in spearfishing within the Reserve and fishing without a valid fishing license. The total amount in fines amounted to $13,180 BZ, and one fisherman of Guatemalan nationality was remanded while the others met bail.

Lobster season closes February 15th

On Saturday, February 15, 2020, the Belize Fisheries Department will officially close the lobster season. Until June 15th, no traps can be set, and no one should consume lobster within the next four months.

Lobster season closes February 15th

According to a press release from the Fisheries Department, any person found in possession of lobster after February 15th will be prosecuted in accordance with Section 3(1) (b) of the Fisheries Regulation, Chapter 210 of the Subsidiary Laws of Belize Revised Edition 2000-2003.

All set for Caye Caulker Miss Lobster Fest Pageant!

Aaliyah Elijio, Aleizy Durantes, Annabella Requena, and Katleen Cutkelvin will compete to become Caye Caulker’s next beauty ambassador in a talent, costume and question and answer segment.