Dr. Love
Doctor Love: Hot and unhappy family
Doctor Love is the islands, and possibly the world’s greatest authority on just about everything. The Doctor answers questions concerning any subject except religion or politics. Persons needing additional assistance or counseling should contact Family Services Division at 227-7541. The opinions herein are not necessarily of The San Pedro Sun. Write Doctor Love at PO Box 51, San Pedro Town, Belize, or email: [email protected]
Dr. Love
Doctor Love: Are we just a bunch of cheaters?
Doctor Love is the islands, and possibly the world’s greatest authority on just about everything. The Doctor answers questions concerning any subject except religion or politics. Persons needing additional assistance or counseling should contact Family Services Division at 227-7541. The opinions herein are not necessarily of The San Pedro Sun. Write Doctor Love at PO Box 51, San Pedro Town, Belize, or email: [email protected]
Dr. Love
Doctor Love: Sincerely Worried
Dr. Love is the islands and possibly the world’s greatest authority on just about everything. The Doctor answers questions concerning any subject except religion or politics. Persons needing additional assistance or counseling should contact the Family Services Division at 227-7541. The opinions herein are not necessarily of The San Pedro Sun. Write Doctor Love at PO Box 51, San Pedro Town, Belize, or email [email protected]
Dr. Love
Doctor Love: Leviticus Eighteen
"This does bring up the question of how you will respond should he realize he is gay as an adolescent. The teen years are full of self-doubt and uncertainty and you will need to be loving and supportive of him as he tries to find the answers to many questions he will have as he grows up, including his sexuality."
Dr. Love
Doctor Love: Marriage and Gossip
"People marry and remain married for reasons too numerous to count, so why should your arrangement raise eyebrows? As long as you’re happy, what happens or doesn’t happen, in your bedroom is your business."
Dr. Love
Doctor Love: A Miserable Relationship
"The bottom line is that we don’t seem to have a single thing in common except that I love her. I think she loves me too, but I don’t think that is enough."
Dr. Love
Doctor Love: Not the marrying kind
Despite clearly stating he isn't the "marrying kind", a reader still finds himself having to extricate himself from commitment.
Dr. Love
Doctor Love: Anon
Readers, email your question to [email protected]. Your letters are edited solely for grammar, spelling and length.