Press Release- National Aids Commission/ Island Committee, March 17th-
On 15 March 2014 the National AIDS Commission (NAC) /Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Island Committee along with PASMO carried out a community outreach event. The goal of the event was to engage the people of the Boca Del Rio area in education, counseling and HIV testing all free of cost. Volunteers from various areas of the health sector as well as members of the community came together to provide information and condoms also free of charge for the public at large. “It is so important for individuals to know their [HIV] status; individuals need to be aware of these services and need to take advantage of them, the public needs to take charge of their health, that is where we come in_ to provide that facilitation all in a safe and confidential environment,” said Dr.Yenisey Cruz, Committee Member in regards to Saturday’s community outreach.
The event was successful reaching and providing information for a diverse group of people including thirty (30) people that were tested. “Not our most successful in terms of amount of tests, however that is thirty (30) more individuals that are educated and know their status and we hope they encourage their friends, that by its self is a massive success,” stated Dennis Craft, Chairperson of the NAC/CCM Island Committee.
NAC/CCM Island Committee exists as a branch of the National Aids Commission (NAC) and as such follows the guidelines established in the NAC’s National Strategic Plan. The NAC/CCM Island Committee focuses on reducing the number of new HIV infections; extending the length and quality of life of peoples living with HIV; eliminating discrimination against persons vulnerable to HIV; and coordinating a multi-spectral response that is human rights based.
We’d like to extend much thanks to the following entities that contributed to the success of Saturday’s activity: Reef TV, The San Pedro Sun, Caroline’s Cooking, Di Pharmacy, El Fogon, Ultimate Golf Cart Rental, The Dr. Otto Rodriguez Poly Clinic, Miss Melanie Paz, Mr.Ludrick Goff all our Volunteers as well as the individuals that came out to access the services.
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El 15 de Marzo de 2014, la ComisiĂłnNacionaldel SIDA (NAC) / Mecanismo de CoordinaciĂłn del PaĂs (CCM) ComitĂ© de Islas junto con PASMO realizo un evento de alcancecomunitario. El objetivodeleventofuealcanzar a la gente de la zona de Boca del RĂo, en la educaciĂłn, el asesoramiento y laspruebas del VIH todolibre de costo. Los voluntarios de diferentesáreasdel sector de la salud, asĂcomomiembros de la comunidad se reunieronparaofrecerinformaciĂłn y condones tambiĂ©n de forma gratuita. “Esmuyimportantequelas personas conozcansuestatus [de VIH], las personas debenserconscientes de estosservicios y la necesidad de sacarprovecho de ellas, el pĂşblicotienequehacerse cargo de susalud, paraesoestamosnosotrosparaacomodar la facilitaciĂłn de todo en un ambienteseguro y confidencial”, dijo la Dra. Yenisey Cruz en, miembro de la comitecuanto al alcancocomunitariodelsábado. El eventofueunĂ©xitoproporcionandoinformaciĂłnpara un grupodiverso de personas, incluyendo a treinta (30) personas que se hicieron la prueba del VIH. “No esnuestro mayor Ă©xito en tĂ©rminos de la cantidad de pruebas, sin embargo, de lastreinta (30) personas queconocieronsuestatusesperamosqueaniman a sus amigos a hacerse el examen del VIH, ” declarĂł Dennis Craft, Presidente del NAC / CCM ComitĂ© de Islas.
NAC / CCM Comité de Islas existecomounarama de la ComisiónNacional del SIDA (NAC ) y comotalsigue los lineamientosestablecidos en el Plan NacionalEstratégico de la NAC . NAC / CCM Comité de Islas se centra en reducir el número de nuevasinfecciones de VIH; ampliación de la duración y la calidad de vida de los pueblos queviven con el VIH ; eliminar la discriminación contra las personas vulnerables al VIH , y la coordinación de unarespuesta multi- espectralbasado en los derechoshumanos.
Tomamosestaoportunidadparaofrecernuestrosgracias a lasseguientesnegocios y individualesquecontribuieronparahacer el evento un exito: Reef TV, The San Pedro Sun, Caroline’s Cooking, Di Pharmacy, El Fogon, Ultimate Golf Cart Rental, The Dr. Otto Rodriguez Poly Clinic, Miss Melanie Paz, Mr.Ludrick Goff,nuestro voluntaries y claro, las personas quesalieron a recibit los serviciosqueofrecimos.
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