The United Democratic Party (UDP) has maintained control of the San Pedro Town Council as all seven candidates won the Municipal election 2015 on Wednesday, March 4th. They defeated the full slates from the People’s United Party (PUP) and the Vision Inspired by the People (VIP).
As early as 5AM, UDP, PUP and VIP started to pitch their tents and install their people in different areas. Polling stations across the country opened to electorates at 7AM. In the first hour of voting at Polling Station 37 (San Pedro High School), a total of 592 electorates exercised their right as Belizean citizens and cast their vote.
Voting lines were divided 15 alphabetical categories (A, B, Ca, Ce-Cu, D-F, G, H-J, K-L, M, N-O, P-Q, R, S, T-U, V-Z). The election process went very smoothly, as both the San Pedro Police Department and Returning Officer Collin Griffith were strictly maintaining the 100 yard regulation. The day saw a steady flow of voters from the two major parties (PUP and UDP). By 1PM, 2,439 of an eligible 7,588 electorates had cast their vote. Both camps seemed to have their machinery well in place and mobilized their voters very effectively.
A spike in voter turnout was visible by 3PM as parties were gearing up for the final push. Throughout the day, The San Pedro Sun spoke to representatives of all the parties, each indicating their optimism for a win. “We are organized and we have ensured that our people make it to the polls. This has been a good election and we are happy with the turnout. We continue to see the support of our San Pedro community,” said PUP Mayoral Candidate, Giovanni Solorzano. UDP Mayoral Candidate, Daniel “Danny” Guerrero stated that his party took all measures to ensure that party supporters made it to the polls. “We have had exceptional support. Our machinery has ensured that we keep the flow of voters coming. We want everyone to make it to the polls and vote for the right candidates,” said Guerrero.
At the close of the polls, the number had increased to 4986 votes which is a 65.71% voter turnout. Last minute voters rushed to make it in on time. Police ensured that once 6PM came, the gate of the polling area was closed and no other electorates were allowed in. In the 2012 municipal elections, there were only 4364 votes cast, or a 61% voter turnout.
The last votes were cast at around 7PM. At closing, the boxes were locked and escorted from the polling area to the counting station. Even during the counting, police ensured that no persons lingered around the gates of the San Pedro High School.
The first figures released from the counting station indicated that the UDP was in the lead. One by one, the official figures came in, and as each figure put the UDP in the lead, the atmosphere became one of celebration. When the results from the ninth box came in at about 10:30PM on Wednesday night, the PUP officially conceded defeat after eight out of nine boxes showed clear wins for the UDP slate. UDP managed to control all 13 polling boxes, capturing the win for their full slate.
These are the final tallies that each UDP candidate received:
Daniel Guerrero- 2,534, Hector ‘Tito’ Alamilla- 2,581, Flora Ancona- 2,692, Ruben ‘Rux’ Gonzalez- 2,663, Gary Grief, 2,702, Severo “Severito” Guerrero- 2,629 and Gabriel “Gaby” Nuñez- 2,570.
PUP candidates tallies are as follows:
Giovanni Solorzano- 1,879, Maria “Choncita” Flota- 2,010, Omar “Kanasi” Guerrero- 1,846, Marina Graniel Kay- 1,931, Alex Noralez- 1,880, Gualberto “Wally” Nuñez- 2,124, and Raymundo “Mundo” Nuñez- 1,934.
VIP candidates tallies are as follows:
Robert “Bobby” Lopez- 256, Mary Boiton- 143, Martin Dawson- 206, Virginio “Bill” Henkis- 166, Amalio “Tua” Requena- 132, Fatima Reyes- 176, and Francisco Salguero- 157.
After the official announcement was made, Area Representative Honourable Manuel Heredia Jr. indicated that the victory is monumental for the continued development of the island. “UDP is under a good leader and with this win we have strengthened our force and we will continue developing our country. We embraced the out-district people in the election here in San Pedro and that secured our win. The community can expect great things with UDP in charge,” said Heredia. Guerrero expressed excitement on the UDP’s win. “Progress will continue in San Pedro. The UDP is doing great work across the country. With my full UDP slate we will work better for our island community. What I want now is for everyone to get united and work together as one community. I want to work with everyone including members of the other party,” said Guerrero.
About 57% Belizeans exercised their democratic right to vote throughout the country. UDP took the election in all municipalities, with the exception of Orange Walk Town whose council went split with a PUP Mayor.
We congratulate all those who exercised their right to vote in these elections, and congratulations to the re-elected Mayor Daniel Guerrero and his six councillors: Hector Alamilla, Flora Ancona, Ruben Gonzalez, Gary Grief, Severo Guerrero and Gabriel Nuñez!