The issue with garbage in San Pedro Town has been a problem for years, and every administration at the San Pedro Town Council (SPTC) has tried their best to deal with the dilemma. To tackle this growing problem the current town council has issued new scheduled routes for ‘Waste Collection’ throughout San Pedro. The SPTC asks residents and business owners to follow the rules and regulations of their sanitation department.
According to the SPTC, garbage collection will be tackled in phases starting from 9PM. The updated schedule for garbage collection by subdivisions is as follow:
Phase 1 Monday and Thursday
Bakka Town, San Pedrito Area, San Marcos, San Pablo, and Eiley’s Subdivision.
Phase 2 Wednesday and Saturday
Esmeralda Area, Marina Drive, and Coconut Drive, Escalante Subdivision, DFC, Mosquito Coast to Boca Ciega ending by Las Brisas property.
Phase 3 Tuesday and Friday
San Mateo, North Main Road, San Cristobal, Fire Station Area, San Juan ending at Indigo.
Everyday pick-up or phase A
This route includes the Town Core Area, Boca del Rio, and south Main Road ending at Victoria House.
Mayor Gualberto ‘Wally’ Nuñez advises residents that it is important to separate their rubbish, particularly organic and inorganic, household waste, industrial waste, and domestic appliances. Mayor Nuñez recalled that when he visited the transfer station located south of downtown, they discovered a mountain of garbage. There was no separation of waste, and the facility was almost full. According to him, the transfer station is getting stricter and only accepts rubbish that has been separated. The SPTC is also asking residents to place their trash bins outside their property on the days of their assigned pick-up schedule. All garbage bins should be properly secure to avoid them being tampered with by animals such as raccoons.
The SPTC explained that during the nocturnal trash collection, only household waste will be picked up. Any industrial waste and/or domestic appliances can be arranged to be picked up during the day from 6AM to 3PM. This service comes with a fee.
The island community is asked to cooperate with this new schedule and routes, to keep the island clean and always welcoming. It is everyone’s responsibility to help manage waste in San Pedro. Islanders are also welcome to visit the SPTC on Barrier Reef drive or to call 226-2198 for additional information on this new approach to collecting the island’s garbage.