Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment, signed an agreement with Ms. Kerstin Morales, Project Executive for the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), to receive a donation of BZ$2,000,000, on behalf of the Government of Belize, for humanitarian support to aid the victims of Hurricane Lisa.
CABEI’s Board of Directors approved this non-refundable financial cooperation on November 11, 2022, as a gesture of solidarity with Belize to collaborate on its efforts in response to the damages caused by the intensity of Hurricane Lisa.
CABEI’s mission is to promote economic integration and social development in the Central American region. Belize has been a non-founding, regional member of CABEI since 2006. Since joining, Belize has benefited in various forms, including relief for hurricane Eta and Iota. Additionally, CABEI provided non-refundable support to the Government of Belize for COVID-19 relief measures.
The Government of Belize is grateful for CABEI’s support and looks forward to continuing the strong collaboration and partnership.

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