On Thursday, May 11th, Area Representative Honourable Andre Perez, and Mayor Gualberto ‘Wally’ Nuñez joined the ground-breaking of an infrastructure project which will see the building of 7.5 miles of concrete roads in San Pedro Town. The areas to be upgraded are the main streets, including Marina Drive, through subdivisions such as DFC, San Pablo, San Pedrito, San Juan, and Boca del Rio, ending at San Mateo. The contractor said the project would be completed by December of this year or January 2024.
According to the contractor Rommel Berges, the project will be done in phases, starting on Blake Street and leading to the San Pablo subdivision. “This project will cover the main arteries of the subdivisions, and perhaps there may be some other areas included as it may be required,” said Berges. He added that the project is a joint venture with Precast/RJB construction from the mainland. This company, overseen by Berges, has vast experience in engineering and guarantees an excellent job. Berges also stated that anyone on the island is looking for a job to visit them for an opportunity to be part of this project. Currently, they are working on Blake Street, just after the gas station south of San Pedro.
Area Representative Perez said the project was to start after Easter, but it was delayed to further prepare for the anticipated road upgrades. “This is being done correctly. It is not being rushed for any political mileage but the right way so it can last for a very long time,” said Perez. He noted that the San Pedro Town Council and his office had been working on the plan for months. Perez indicated that before executing such a crucial infrastructural challenge, the local authorities had to prepare for it and first deal with all the issues the current administration said they found after taking over the Town Hall.
Mayor Nuñez is asking island residents to be patient as the work continues over the following months. He said this will directly benefit the residential areas across San Pedro, particularly on Marina Drive
where goods barged to the island are transported to different stores and distributors. Nuñez also called on the public to cooperate regarding traffic and respect signage associated with this road system improvement.
Without providing details, the authorities shared that a loan from local financial institutions would finance the construction of the 7.5 miles of concrete streets. The breakdown of the total cost was unavailable, but as per the Mayor, it will be revealed later. Another detail to be disclosed in the upcoming days is a map of the exact streets that will be paved.
In the meantime, the private sector is welcome to join this initiative to improve San Pedro’s roads. If there are certain streets that stakeholders would like to see paved, they can visit the offices of the Mayor or the Area Representative to discuss a potential partnership.
Ground-breaking officiates the cementing of more than seven miles of road in San Pedro
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