An emergency blood drive to assist the countrywide blood shortage and island resident Daryl Kennedy has been scheduled for Sunday, January 20th at the Dr. Otto Rodriguez San Pedro Polyclinic II in San Pedro Town. Kennedy is in Belize City waiting for surgery on a broken hip and will be needing a good supply of blood. He is well known on the island for his non-profit organization Kids of Belize, which aims to make a positive impact in the lives of young children.
The blood drive is being organized by the San Pedro Branch of the Belize Red Cross (SPBRC) and will take place from 9AM to 3PM. Organizers are urging the island community to come out and support. Blood drives are held every three months on the island. The first one for this year was scheduled for March 2, 2019, but given the situation, the organization sees the need to reach out to the community to held Kennedy and the reserves at the Blood Bank in the Belize City. “We are in the midst of a big countrywide blood shortage and we need your help. We also have a need for a local resident who helps not only Ambergris Caye but also the mainland. Kennedy started Kids Of Belize as a way to give back through music. Since it’s inception, it has been growing leaps and bounds, making a positive impact on Ambergris Caye and beyond,” says Laurie Norton of SPBRC.
Donors are reminded that they should not consume alcohol the day before the blood drive. They should ensure they get a good night sleep and eat a healthy iron-rich meal before donating. If off the island, donations can also be made any time at the Belize City Blood Bank located near the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. Other places to donate include the Belmopan Blood Bank at the Western Regional Hospital Belmopan, at the San Ignacio Hospital and in Punta Gorda Hospital in southern Belize.

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