The American Crocodile Education Sanctuary (ACES) removed two problematic crocodiles off Ambergris Caye. The two crocs were taken off the island on September 11th to ACES’ facility in Ladyville Village in the Belize District. The representatives of ACES said that the two female crocs were removed because they were being fed and the reptiles have lost all fear of humans; now associating man with food.
According to ACES’ Crocodile conservationist Chris Summers, the two female crocs had an approximate size of nine feet each. “They were in a lagoon behind an ocean side resort where development is going on. There is a restaurant out at the back and the construction workers have been discarding their scraps into the lagoon, which is essentially feeding the crocodiles. It might not be directly feeding them like it used to be with the tourist attraction [at Wasa lagoon], but it’s still indirect feeding.”
But why is it a problem for the crocs to be on the island? According to Summers, feeding wild animals takes away their fear of humans, which can lead to very serious consequences. “Feeding crocodiles takes away their natural fear of man, which causes them to associate man with food, and it is when they become dangerous. That is why we took them to the sanctuary, so that they can’t be a danger to themselves or to people.”
Summers also said it is always good to learn about crocodiles especially since they share the same environment. “We have to learn to co-exist with them and that’s part of what our education program is about, not feeding the crocodiles – that’s the main thing. Do not feed crocodiles under any circumstances, whether you are throwing it to them purposely or improperly disposing garbage.”
The two crocodiles, each weighing around 250 pounds each, were transported off the island with the assistance of Quality Poultry Products.
Two problematic crocs removed from Ambergris Caye

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