On November 28, 2022, the Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government commemorated the launch of a new online Labour Complaints Management System for workers.
A critical function of the Labour Department, labour complaints management entails the mediation and settlement of labour disputes between workers and employers. The newly designed system now makes it easier to file a complaint and also digitizes the manual system of recordkeeping that labour officers currently utilize through a work order system. A useful feature of the system is that complainants can now track the progress of their cases online using an access key.
Furthermore, the new system allows complainants to use both mobile devices and traditional desktop systems to access the online complaint system. The combined features and components of the system establish an electronic database of cases that can be used to further improve labour relations management services.
The online Labour Complaints Management System was developed under a project funded by the Government of Belize and the International Office of Migration (IOM). The new system can be accessed on the Ministry of Labour’s website at complaints.labour.gov.bz.
The guest speaker at the launch was Hon. Francis Fonseca, Minister of Education Culture, Science and Technology. Also present were Hon. Oscar Requena, Minister of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government; Mr. Valentino Shal, CEO in the ministry; and other invited guests.

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