“I’ll have a beer,” I told the bartender.
Since I had to stay overnight in Belize City, I had treated myself to the Ramada Princess Hotel so I could lose some money in their casino. My noon flight back to Ambergris Caye was two hours away and I was thirsty.
When a man took the barstool next to me, I said, “Albert, long time, no see.”
“Oh, hey, Dennis,” he said. “I thought that was you. I haven’t been out to San Pedro for a while.”
“Do you still have the chicken farm?” I asked
“I sure do,” he said. “Bartender, I need a bottle of your best champagne.”
The bartender brought it and said, “That’s the second order I’ve had today for a bottle of the best.”
A lady sitting at the corner of the bar said, “It’s peculiar that I ordered a glass of the best champagne.”
“That’s a coincidence,” Albert said. “I’m celebrating a special occasion.”
The woman said, “There’s another coincidence. I’m celebrating a special occasion, too.”
“What are you celebrating?” Albert asked.
“My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for years. Today the doctor told me I’m pregnant.”
“What a coincidence,” Albert said. “My hens have been laying infertile eggs and unfertile eggs won’t produce baby chicks. I fixed the problem and now they’re producing again.”
“That’s wonderful,” the woman said. “What did you do to get the eggs fertile again?”
“I changed to a different rooster.”
The woman said, “What a coincidence.”

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