Friday, July 26, 2024

Doctor Love: Young Islander


Dear Dr. Love,

I am 20 years old and have a girlfriend. My parents are wonderful but a bit overprotective. They talk about building an apartment underneath our house for me. While I don’t mind living with them, I’m not sure my girlfriend is thrilled. Many on the island live with their parents forever. Should I move out and pay rent, or stay with my parents?

/s/ Young Islander


Hey Young Islander,

Well, sounds like you’re stuck between the comfy rock of living with your parents and the hard place of potentially paying rent. Let’s break it down.

First things first, have a heart-to-heart with your girlfriend. Lay it out – your parents are planning a cozy basement pad for you. See what she thinks about it. It’s crucial you two are on the same page, especially if you’re thinking long term.

Money talks, right? Consider the moolah. Living at home might save you some serious cash. Ponder if you’re ready for the wallet hit that comes with renting. If not paying rent means more dollars in your pocket for other adventures, that’s worth thinking about.

Think about independence. Is it calling your name? Moving out can be like a crash course in adulting. If that idea excites you, it might be worth it. If not, there’s no shame in enjoying the perks of home sweet home.

Now, check the cultural vibes. If everyone’s doing the “parents are roommates for life” thing, that might ease the pressure. But don’t forget your own dreams and goals. Balancing cultural norms with personal aspirations is an art.

Lastly, don’t forget to compromise. Maybe there’s a middle ground. Spend more time outside your parental fortress, with all the money you can spend some time traveling if it’s possible with your work life. Be sure to set some boundaries to keep everyone sane.

In the end, it’s your call. Take a deep breath, weigh the pros and cons, and trust your gut. Life’s an adventure, my friend – navigate it wisely.

Cheers, Dr. Love



Dear Dr. Love,

Me and my husband have been together for 12 years, and we have two kids in elementary school. The thing is, we’ve never really been compatible. We stay together for the sake of the kids, but it’s more like he does his thing, and I do mine. There’s zero intimacy, and though he tries every once in a while, my heart is just not in it anymore. I’m feeling the urge to move out and get my own place, but I’m worried about the financial side of things. I don’t want to be in another relationship; my focus is just on the kids. What should I do?

/s/ Conflicted Parent


Hey Conflicted Parent,

First off, big virtual hug. Sounds like you’re juggling a lot. Let’s untangle this mess a bit.

So, 12 years is a long time. Kudos for sticking it out for the kids, but hey, your happiness matters too. If the spark is gone and your heart’s not in it, that’s a tough spot. But I get it – the financial worries are real.

Before packing bags, let’s crunch numbers. Check if a solo venture is doable without turning your life into a budgeting nightmare. Money matters, but so does your mental health.

Now, about the intimacy thing. If it’s a no-go zone, it’s okay to communicate that. Honest talks might bring surprising solutions or at least clarify where you both stand.
Focus on you and the kids. Make sure they’re okay with the potential changes too. Kids are perceptive; they can sense when something’s up.

In the end, it’s about finding your balance. Can you create a space where you can be you, and the kids still have their stability? It’s not an easy decision, but your happiness matters just as much.

Take care, Dr. Love


Dear Dr. Love,

I travel a lot for work, and when I’m on the Island, I love hanging out with my friends. The thing is, one of my friends seems to have an issue whenever our other friend is around. I sense some jealousy going on, and we’re not in high school anymore – we’re in our thirties! I want to hang out with both of them without any drama. How can I make this clear to my friend without being rude?

/s/ Torn


Hey Torn,

Ah, the joys of adulting, right? Let’s smooth out those friendship waves.

So, your friend seems to have a case of jealousy – not the most mature vibe, especially in our thirties. Here’s a low-key way to handle it:

Next time you’re all planning to meet up, throw it out there casually. Maybe something like, “Hey, how about we all catch up together this time?” Make it sound like a spontaneous idea, not a big intervention.

If the friend is still not feeling the trio dynamic, a little one-on-one chat might be in order. Be gentle, express that you value each friendship, and you want to hang out as a trio without anyone feeling left out.
Remind them you’re all adults now, and there’s room for everyone. If jealousy persists, it might be worth exploring the root cause. Sometimes, it’s not about you but what’s going on in their world.

Key here: be kind but firm about what you want. Friendships should add joy, not stress. Navigate those tides with a mix of honesty and sensitivity.

Cheers, Dr. Love

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