As San Pedro Town expands, the island police formation’s responsibility to man the country’s leading tourism destination also grows. To balance its workforce, the local police force functions along with special volunteer police constables. Some of these are islanders with regular day-to-day jobs. However, they remain on standby and ready to assist when needed. At a meeting on Thursday, November 30th, select members were commended for their service and presented with new uniform shirts by the chief and deputy commanders of the San Pedro Police Station.
The gathering, held at Ramon’s Village Resort’s marina area, started shortly after 6:30PM and included the attendance of San Pedro Town Council, Councilor Jose Castellanos, who works closely with the island police formation and donated the uniforms. Deputy Chief of the police station, Inspector Darwin Serano, thanked everyone for attending the meeting and spoke about the importance of their service. Serano commended everyone for their interest and told them of the increase in operations that would take place during the Christmas holidays.
The Officer in Charge of the police station, Assistant Superintendent Egbert Castillo, also commended everyone for their hard work and encouraged everyone to always work as a team. Castillo told the police constables at the meeting that the island police force will always look out for them as they need their service to serve San Pedro better.
Before the meeting ended, Councilor Castellanos reiterated his commitment to the island police. Castellanos said that as a former police officer, he remains in the drill to ensure citizen safety and is happy to collaborate with the San Pedro Police Formation. Castellanos donated the new uniform shirts that were presented to each volunteer police constable present, following the formalities of the gathering. The meeting was then adjourned and scheduled for the last Thursday in January 2024.
Currently, the San Pedro Police Formation has around 100 police officers. With the growing island population, this number is not enough; thus, there is a need to increase the police human resources in San Pedro. The Formation thanks everyone who is supportive and invites them to continue working closely with the police to prevent criminal activities. The San Pedro Police Station is located on Pescador Drive and can be reached at 206-2022. Information on how to become a police constable is also available.